Plastic-Free Living

plastic free oral care routine

Optimize Your Oral Care Routine: 3 Simple Bathroom Swaps for Eco-Friendly Living

It’s a basic part of everyday life - we brush our teeth. And all the things that you need for your oral health are made of… wait for it… plastic.

Baggie Baggage

Baggie Baggage

Plastic has been one of the most innovative human inventions since it all began in the late 1800’s. We keep thinking up new and exciting ways to manufacture and use it. It’s remarkable! Has so many foreseeable applications! Except, as usual, we failed to consider that one irritating little detail. What’s the end game?

Valentine’s Day Dilemma

Valentine’s Day Dilemma

Valentine's Day is upon us...There are generally two prepackaged, easy, and possibly affordable options for gifts that you'll see virtually everywhere- chocolate and flowers. Potentially great for the wallet, perhaps, but not so much for Mother Earth....

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

We’re all familiar with the three arrows and the three R’s that they represent. The logo and catchy phrase Reduce - Reuse - Recycle.....BUT companies aren’t interested in the side-effects generated by a product once sold to an end customer. The aim is to sell a maximum number of products at minimal cost. What happens after the sale is the problem of - someone else....

Ways to Participate in No Straw November

Ways to Participate in No Straw November

The truth behind plastic and compostable straws, and ways to participate in No Straw November...

Plastic Free July- Where to Start?

Plastic Free July- Where to Start?

It's Plastic-Free July! Let's be real here...going 100% plastic free isn't possible in the current modern world we live in. But there are many MANY products you can avoid that are packaged in plastic and we use on a daily basis so why not start there?!

Bamboo- The New Super Hero

Bamboo- The New Super Hero

In addition to growing more sustainably, bamboo is durable and biodegradable. You'll replace it less often and it won't stay in a landfill until 2999.

Eco Friendly Gift Wrap Ideas

Eco Friendly Gift Wrap Ideas

Every year, 227,000 MILES of wrapping paper is thrown away during the Holiday Season. Here are some ideas that are not only inexpensive, but also are much kinder to our Mother Earth....
