Mission + Impact


Join us on our mission to #Stopplastic and help our Mother Earth. Change begins with you + ME.

We think plastic sucks, especially the single-use stuff. There are so many items we need and use on a regular basis that just don't NEED to be made from plastic or packaged in plastic. 

And we can't do it alone. We need more people to get on board with making simple, daily swaps to reduce their overall impact on our one and only Mother Earth. Small individual actions when multiplied by millions can have a BIG impact. Let's go BIG. 

We started with a straw, and you can too. Or start with a bamboo toothbrush. Or start with using up what you already have first. The key is to start, and we hope to be there to help you along the way. 


We never intended to just sell stuff. We carefully have curated our store and products to allow more people to obtain the items they need and use everyday already, with a few additional things that might make our lives easier on our journey to a more sustainable lifestyle. Because we want to not only make plastic-free products more accessible, but actually make a difference, we donate a portion of our proceeds every month to organizations that put our Mother Earth first. 

When you purchase a product from Me Mother Earth, you are voting with your purchase dollars for a world you want to live in. Not all the nonprofits we donate to like to be "linked" with a brand, so instead of name dropping non-profits, we have listed the areas in which our donations go to:

  • Ocean + Animal conservation
  • Beach + Ocean cleanups
  • Plastic pollution education + Advocacy
  • Mangrove planting + Coral reef restoration
  • Rainforest restoration + Tree planting + Soil carbon sequestration

Many of these programs empower local communities, absorb carbon emissions, clean up plastic from our planet, and promote a healthy livelihood for all living beings.

We are also proud brand partners of rePurpose Global. Read more about our program partnership for removing plastic waste that is harming the ecosystem in Douala, Cameroon. They are creating waste management in places where it has never existed before in an effort to recover low-value plastic waste from nature, help protect marine life, and provide income opportunities for waste workers on the frontline of the fight against plastic pollution.

We are proud Cause Partners of 5 Gyres. If you are unfamiliar, 5 Gyres is at the forefront to empower action against the global health crisis of plastic pollution through science, education, and advocacy. As a cause partner, we are thrilled to amplify their message and drive meaningful change.

Are you a small independent non-profit that's helping the planet or cleaning up our oceans? Shoot us an email: contact@memotherearthbrand.com. We love to support grassroots efforts in any way that we can.

Mangroves restoration

Image: Mangrove restoration from The Oceancy. Mangroves not only help sequester carbon, but are key in preventing coastline erosion and flood control. They also support a healthy ecosystem and the local communities that plant and care for the mangroves. This project is located in the Philippines.

Carbon-neutral shipping with Shopify Planet
Carbon-neutral shipping on all orders
shipping emissions removed
That's like...
miles driven by an average gasoline-powered car
We fund innovations in...
Direct Air Capture
Bio Oil