Halloween is a time for fun, costumes, and, of course, candy! But behind the excitement lurks a spooky reality—Halloween candy waste. Each year, millions of pounds of candy packaging end up in landfills, contributing to the growing plastic waste problem. In fact, Americans purchase nearly 600 million pounds of candy for Halloween alone, much of which is wrapped in single-use plastic that cannot be recycled. Moreover, much of the cheap chocolate we consume contributes to environmental degradation and unethical labor practices, including child labor on cocoa farms. In this blog, we’ll explore creative and practical ways to reduce candy waste, from choosing eco-friendly alternatives to rethinking how we package and distribute treats. Let’s make this Halloween a little sweeter for the planet by battling candy waste together!

The Issues of Halloween Candy

Plastic Packaging- The most obvious environmental issue with Halloween candy is the sheer amount of plastic packaging. Individual wrappers on candy bars, plastic bags for packaging larger quantities, and the lack of recycling options for these materials contribute to significant plastic waste. Most candy wrappers are made of mixed materials, which means they aren’t recyclable in typical curbside programs, resulting in thousands of tons of plastic waste ending up in landfills every year.

Unsustainable Ingredients- Many traditional candies are made with ingredients that have a large environmental impact. For example:

  • Palm Oil: Found in many candies, palm oil production is a leading cause of deforestation, habitat destruction, and a large contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.
  • High-Fructose Corn Syrup: Often used as a sweetener in candies, the production of corn syrup relies heavily on industrial agriculture, which contributes to soil degradation, pesticide use, and water pollution. Not to mention, the health concerns with this highly processed sweentener.
  • Sugar: The conventional sugar industry is responsible for land degradation, excessive water use, and the destruction of ecosystems in tropical regions where sugar cane is grown.
  • Chocolate: Many of the world's leading chocolate producers rely on unsustainable farming practices that contribute to deforestation and loss of biodiversity. Even more troubling is the widespread use of child labor in cocoa farms, particularly in West Africa, where children are often exploited to harvest the cocoa used in inexpensive chocolate products. We are looking at you Mars, Nestlé and Hershey!

Sustainable Alternatives for an Eco-Friendly Halloween

Fortunately, there are several ways to reduce your environmental impact while still enjoying Halloween treats. Here are some sustainable alternatives to consider:

Homemade Treats

One of the best ways to cut down on waste and control the ingredients used in your Halloween candy is by making your own. Homemade treats not only reduce plastic packaging but also allow you to use eco-friendly and organic ingredients. This is a great option if you have a close-knit community or for Halloween parties where you know everyone attending. 

  • Recipes to Try:
    • Vegan Dark Chocolate Bark: Melt dark chocolate and top it with dried fruits, nuts, or seeds for a festive, cruelty-free treat.
    • Peanut Butter Cups: Use fair-trade chocolate and natural peanut butter to make your own peanut butter cups. These can be individually wrapped in compostable wax paper or left in a reusable container.
    • Vegan Caramel Popcorn: Make a batch of homemade caramel using coconut milk and maple syrup, then drizzle it over air-popped popcorn for a tasty treat without the waste.
Vegan and Sustainable Candy 

There’s no need to sacrifice flavor for sustainability. There are many vegan-friendly candy options that use ethically sourced ingredients and minimal packaging. Opt for brands that not only avoid animal-derived ingredients but also prioritize sustainable sourcing with certifications like rainforest alliance or fair trade (for chocolate) and eco-friendly packaging. Here are some top vegan options:

  • Unreal Candy: Known for its vegan-friendly options, Unreal offers chocolates and candies made with non-GMO, fair trade ingredients. They use sustainable sourcing and offer both vegan and eco-friendly options.
  • YumEarth: This brand offers vegan, organic candies made without high-fructose corn syrup or artificial dyes. Their treats are gluten-free, allergy-friendly, and come in biodegradable packaging.
  • SmartSweets: These plant-based candies are made without gelatin and use minimal packaging. SmartSweets is a great option for those looking to reduce sugar intake while staying vegan.
  • Endangered Species Chocolate: While not all of their products are vegan, Endangered Species Chocolate offers a range of dark chocolate that is vegan and ethically sourced. Plus, a portion of their profits goes to wildlife conservation.
  • Hit up the bulk section: You may not be able to hit all the sustainability marks with this one, but the bulk section at large grocery stores may have boxed or foil-wrapped candies where the packaging is fully recyclable, plus, you are eliminating the outer plastic packaging waste!
Candy-Free Alternatives

Going candy-free doesn’t mean the fun has to stop. Many parents and homeowners are opting for some healthier or non-edible alternatives that kids will still love.

  • Ideas for Candy-Free Treats:
    • Seed Packets: Encourage kids to grow something! Small packets of flower or vegetable seeds are a fun, eco-friendly alternative.
    • Mandarin Jack-O-Lanterns: Use a sharpie to decorate small cutie or mandarin oranges like festive jack-o-lanterns. A healthy and package-free treat!
    • Wooden Toys: Small, sustainably made wooden toys or puzzles can be a long-lasting fun for all. 
    • Crayons or Erasers: Offer kids something creative by giving out recycled crayons or erasers in fun shapes.
    • Stickers and Temporary Tattoos: These can be found in recyclable or compostable packaging and provide a long-lasting memory.
    • Bamboo Toothbrushes for Kids: This makes for a unique, useful treat that contributes to a healthier planet. Plus, it’s a great conversation starter for parents and kids alike about the importance of making greener choices!

Tip: If opting for candy-free alternatives, look for items that come in recyclable or compostable packaging, and avoid giving out plastic toys or trinkets that might end up in the trash after Halloween.

Tips for a More Sustainable Halloween

Aside from choosing eco-friendly candy options, here are a few more ways to green your Halloween celebration:

  • Use Reusable Trick-or-Treat Bags: Encourage kids to carry reusable Half-Mesh tote bags or pillowcases instead of single-use plastic bags.
  • Recycle or Compost Candy Wrappers: Seek out Terracycle programs or local recycling centers that may accept candy wrappers during the Halloween season. If foil or paper, compost or recycle on your own. Make sure the foil is balled up and larger than a fist before dropping it curbside. 
  • Educate Others: Spread the word about the environmental impact of traditional Halloween candy and encourage your neighbors and friends to make more sustainable choices too!

By making mindful choices, we can enjoy the fun and traditions of Halloween while minimizing our environmental footprint. Whether you opt for homemade treats, eco-friendly candy brands, or candy-free alternatives, every small change contributes to a greener, more sustainable future for all. 

This October, let’s treat our Mother Earth with the same care and attention we give to our spooky celebrations. Happy eco-friendly trick-or-treating!

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