Plastic-Free Living

Living Lighter: How Sustainability and a Clutter-Free Lifestyle Go Hand in Hand

Living Lighter: How Sustainability and a Clutter-Free Lifestyle Go Hand in Hand

Let's explore the synergy between sustainability and a clutter-free home, demonstrating how the two can coexist and even enhance our quality of life.

Eco-Friendly (and Cheap) Holiday Decor Ideas

Eco-Friendly (and Cheap) Holiday Decor Ideas

If every American family wrapped just 3 presents in reused materials, it would save enough paper to cover 45,000 football fields...small steps DO matter! Here are some tips and tricks on decorating sustainably (and cheaply) this holiday season....

Plastic Free July is Over... Now What? The Journey Continues!

Plastic Free July is Over... Now What? The Journey Continues!

Plastic Free July's aim is not just to reduce plastic usage in July but to educate and inspire long-term changes in our everyday habits. We've all learned so much over the past month – about the plastic crisis, about our ability to adapt, and about the significant impact small changes can make...

Plastic Free July: Join the Movement with Me Mother Earth

Plastic Free July: Join the Movement with Me Mother Earth

Plastic Free July presents a timely reminder for us to rethink our plastic consumption habits and embrace sustainable alternatives.

Bazillions o’ Bottle Caps Littering our Oceans

Bazillions o’ Bottle Caps Littering our Oceans

Bottle caps are consistently listed in the top five types of plastic litter on beaches and are also in the top five items considered harmful to marine life....

plastic free oral care routine

Optimize Your Oral Care Routine: 3 Simple Bathroom Swaps for Eco-Friendly Living

It’s a basic part of everyday life - we brush our teeth. And all the things that you need for your oral health are made of… wait for it… plastic.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

We’re all familiar with the three arrows and the three R’s that they represent. The logo and catchy phrase Reduce - Reuse - Recycle.....BUT companies aren’t interested in the side-effects generated by a product once sold to an end customer. The aim is to sell a maximum number of products at minimal cost. What happens after the sale is the problem of - someone else....

Ways to Participate in No Straw November

Ways to Participate in No Straw November

The truth behind plastic and compostable straws, and ways to participate in No Straw November...
