Plastic-Free Living

Eco-Friendly (and Cheap) Holiday Decor Ideas

Eco-Friendly (and Cheap) Holiday Decor Ideas

If every American family wrapped just 3 presents in reused materials, it would save enough paper to cover 45,000 football fields...small steps DO matter! Here are some tips and tricks on decorating sustainably (and cheaply) this holiday season....

eco friendly christmas gift

Go Green This Holiday Season: 9 Tips for an Eco-Friendly Holiday

The holiday season is upon us, and with it comes the joy of giving, sharing, and celebrating. However, it's also a time when our carbon footprint tends to grow substantially. From the excess food waste to the mountains of discarded wrapping paper, the Holidays can be quite wasteful. But...

10 Eco-Friendly Gifts Under $10

10 Eco-Friendly Gifts Under $10

Gift-giving on a budget doesn't mean compromising on sustainability – these eco-friendly gifts under $10 offer both affordability and a positive impact on the planet.

Sustainable Gift Guide

Eco-Friendly Gift Guide For Every Budget

Finding eco-conscious gifts that won't break the bank is easier than ever with Me Mother Earth! In this gift guide, we've curated a selection of thoughtful and sustainable gift options for every budget....

Our Plastic-Free Laundry Stain Remover Stick + How to Use

Our Plastic-Free Laundry Stain Remover Stick + How to Use

Swap plastic stain remover or harsh bleach for this concentrated and gentle stain remover stick. It works like magic on all types of fabric to leave them stain free and fresh! Here's all you need to know....

Making Sustainable Choices: 5 Easy Bathroom Swaps for a Greener Future

Making Sustainable Choices: 5 Easy Bathroom Swaps for a Greener Future

Most bathroom plastics are made from mixed materials and are NOT recyclable. These are items we use EVERYDAY, last us a few months, then end up in a landfill or even our oceans- polluting our planet for 100’s of years.

Plastic Free July is Over... Now What? The Journey Continues!

Plastic Free July is Over... Now What? The Journey Continues!

Plastic Free July's aim is not just to reduce plastic usage in July but to educate and inspire long-term changes in our everyday habits. We've all learned so much over the past month – about the plastic crisis, about our ability to adapt, and about the significant impact small changes can make...

Plastic Free July: Join the Movement with Me Mother Earth

Plastic Free July: Join the Movement with Me Mother Earth

Plastic Free July presents a timely reminder for us to rethink our plastic consumption habits and embrace sustainable alternatives.
