Plastic-Free Living

Ways to Participate in No Straw November

Ways to Participate in No Straw November

The truth behind plastic and compostable straws, and ways to participate in No Straw November...

The Cotton Tote Dilemma

The Cotton Tote Dilemma

There has been a recent debate about cotton bags or totes being more harmful to the planet than plastic bags...what?! 

Plastic Free July- Where to Start?

Plastic Free July- Where to Start?

It's Plastic-Free July! Let's be real here...going 100% plastic free isn't possible in the current modern world we live in. But there are many MANY products you can avoid that are packaged in plastic and we use on a daily basis so why not start there?!

Spring Decluttering

Spring Decluttering

"Your average thrift store in the United States only sells about one-third of the stuff that ends up on its shelves...The rest of the stuff ends up somewhere else..." When decluttering, the important thing is that we try to own only what we need and want in our lives then let go of the items we don’t with as little damage to our Mother Earth as possible.

10 Ways to Renovate Sustainably

10 Ways to Renovate Sustainably

Since I live a zero waste lifestyle, it is important for me to implement sustainability into our renovations. While there will always be some waste in a renovation, there are still many ways to reduce waste and renovate sustainably!

Bamboo- The New Super Hero

Bamboo- The New Super Hero

In addition to growing more sustainably, bamboo is durable and biodegradable. You'll replace it less often and it won't stay in a landfill until 2999.

Eco Friendly Gift Wrap Ideas

Eco Friendly Gift Wrap Ideas

Every year, 227,000 MILES of wrapping paper is thrown away during the Holiday Season. Here are some ideas that are not only inexpensive, but also are much kinder to our Mother Earth....

Five Ways to Gift Sustainably

Five Ways to Gift Sustainably

Living a lower waste lifestyle can be difficult this time of year. Here are 5 Ways to Gift Sustainably....
