Plastic-Free Living

Old Dirty plastic sponge

Spongebad Plasticpants- Why sponges are dirty

So the sponge in your kitchen today is made from fossil fuel based plastic. Swell! Likely with plastic packaging and toxic chemicals to reduce its appeal to germs. Oh, and you should replace that disgusting mess every month or so and send it to a landfill where it will live … forever. yay…

Shampoo Bars

Sustainable Hair Care

Ingredients aside, one of the biggest ways the beauty industry harms the environment is through its hard to recycle plastic packaging. Oftentimes, made from mixed plastics, these containers are not recyclable and find their way into landfills or waterways. "In 2018, in the U.S. alone, almost 7.9 billion units of rigid plastic were created just for beauty and personal care products. And the problem is set to get worse." -Plastic Pollution Coalition.

plastic free oral care routine

Optimize Your Oral Care Routine: 3 Simple Bathroom Swaps for Eco-Friendly Living

It’s a basic part of everyday life - we brush our teeth. And all the things that you need for your oral health are made of… wait for it… plastic.

Composting 101

Composting 101

To compost or not compost? It’s not uncommon to question what can be placed back in the soil and where do you even begin?

The Cotton Tote Dilemma

The Cotton Tote Dilemma

There has been a recent debate about cotton bags or totes being more harmful to the planet than plastic bags...what?! 

10 Ways to Renovate Sustainably

10 Ways to Renovate Sustainably

Since I live a zero waste lifestyle, it is important for me to implement sustainability into our renovations. While there will always be some waste in a renovation, there are still many ways to reduce waste and renovate sustainably!
