Plastic-Free Living

Shampoo Bars

Sustainable Hair Care

Ingredients aside, one of the biggest ways the beauty industry harms the environment is through its hard to recycle plastic packaging. Oftentimes, made from mixed plastics, these containers are not recyclable and find their way into landfills or waterways. "In 2018, in the U.S. alone, almost 7.9 billion units of rigid plastic were created just for beauty and personal care products. And the problem is set to get worse." -Plastic Pollution Coalition.

plastic free oral care routine

Optimize Your Oral Care Routine: 3 Simple Bathroom Swaps for Eco-Friendly Living

It’s a basic part of everyday life - we brush our teeth. And all the things that you need for your oral health are made of… wait for it… plastic.

Valentine’s Day Dilemma

Valentine’s Day Dilemma

Valentine's Day is upon us...There are generally two prepackaged, easy, and possibly affordable options for gifts that you'll see virtually everywhere- chocolate and flowers. Potentially great for the wallet, perhaps, but not so much for Mother Earth....

Composting 101

Composting 101

To compost or not compost? It’s not uncommon to question what can be placed back in the soil and where do you even begin?

10 Ways to Renovate Sustainably

10 Ways to Renovate Sustainably

Since I live a zero waste lifestyle, it is important for me to implement sustainability into our renovations. While there will always be some waste in a renovation, there are still many ways to reduce waste and renovate sustainably!

Bamboo- The New Super Hero

Bamboo- The New Super Hero

In addition to growing more sustainably, bamboo is durable and biodegradable. You'll replace it less often and it won't stay in a landfill until 2999.

Five Ways to Gift Sustainably

Five Ways to Gift Sustainably

Living a lower waste lifestyle can be difficult this time of year. Here are 5 Ways to Gift Sustainably....

6 Tips for a Low-Waste Halloween

6 Tips for a Low-Waste Halloween

Oh my gourd!! Talk about scary, nearly 80% of all Halloween costumes end up in landfills each year! Not to mention the plastic candy wrappers, the pumpkin waste, oh my! But we can still enjoy the holiday without making as much of an impact. Check out our 6 Tips for a Low Waste Halloween....
