Plastic-Free Living

Embrace Sustainability with Our Quick-Dry Diatomite Mat

Embrace Sustainability with Our Quick-Dry Diatomite Mat

Our stone mat is the perfect solution for those who want to make a sustainable swap in their homes. In this blog, we'll dive into the fantastic features that make it a must-have addition to any eco-friendly household said best from the press it's received. 

Living Lighter: How Sustainability and a Clutter-Free Lifestyle Go Hand in Hand

Living Lighter: How Sustainability and a Clutter-Free Lifestyle Go Hand in Hand

Let's explore the synergy between sustainability and a clutter-free home, demonstrating how the two can coexist and even enhance our quality of life.

sustainable gift wrapping tips

Zero Waste Gift Wrap Ideas for the Holidays

Did you know? Most wrapping paper and gift wrapping materials are not recyclable? Anything glittery, with mixed in foil and plastic, textures, or lamination will inevitably end up in a landfill.

Thrifted Gift Ideas

Sustainable Shopping: Gifts to Score at Thrift Stores

These thrifted-ISH gift ideas not only demonstrate your thoughtfulness but also promote sustainable living. By choosing pre-loved items and eco-friendly accessories, you're not only saving money but also reducing your environmental footprint. 

Plastic Free July is Over... Now What? The Journey Continues!

Plastic Free July is Over... Now What? The Journey Continues!

Plastic Free July's aim is not just to reduce plastic usage in July but to educate and inspire long-term changes in our everyday habits. We've all learned so much over the past month – about the plastic crisis, about our ability to adapt, and about the significant impact small changes can make...

Plastic Free July: Join the Movement with Me Mother Earth

Plastic Free July: Join the Movement with Me Mother Earth

Plastic Free July presents a timely reminder for us to rethink our plastic consumption habits and embrace sustainable alternatives.

Earth Day is what?

Earth Day is what?

Earth Day is an important day for all of us to reflect on the state of our Mother Earth and the actions we can take to protect it. However, it's not just about what we do on Earth Day or even Earth Month, but what we continue to do in the days, weeks, and months ahead...

Say No to Plastic Wrap

Say No to Plastic Wrap

Over nine million tons of the stuff was manufactured in 2019. But the worst part - it’s all single use...
